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Candidate Forum JCC BOS & School Board
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About this event
The League and the York-James City-Williamsburg NAACP are sponsoring a forum for candidates for James City County Board of Supervisors and for the WJCC School Board on Thursday September 28 from 6-8 PM at the Williamsburg Regional Library Auditorium.
JCC Board of Supervisors
We have invited the candidates for:
- Berkeley District: John Curran (Republican) and Ruth Larson (Independent)
- Roberts District: John McGlennon (Democrat) and Trevor Topping (Republican)
- Stonehouse District: Barbara Null (Republican) and Lisa Ownby (Democrat)
John Curran, Ruth Larson, John McGlennon, and Lisa Ownby will attend.
Trevor Topping and Barbara Null declined to attend.
WJCC School Board
We invited the candidates for:
- Berkeley District: Marvin Franz and Randy Riffle
- Roberts District: Max Blalock and Daniel Cavazos
- Stonehouse District: Michael Hosang and Damon Walker
Randy Riffle, Max Blalock, Daniel Cavazos, and Damon Walker have accepted.
Marvin Franz and Michael Hosang will not attend.
Charles Gates from the NAACP will moderate.
Registration Info
Registration is not Required