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HomeElections & Voting


VOTE411 is the League of Women Voters’ one-stop-shop for nonpartisan election information for your state, county, city: Absentee Ballot Process, Candidate and Ballot Measure Information, Drop Boxes, Early Voting, Election Dates, Eligibility Requirements, ID Needed for Voter Registration, ID Needed for Voting, Overseas and Military Voters, Poll Worker Information, Polling Place Hours, Polling Place Locator, and more.
Voting as a College Student
Vote as student
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College Voting
College Voting

If you are a student studying at a college or university in Virginia, you can decide on where to register to vote. You can register to vote at the address you consider the place that you live, whether that is your family’s home address (in Virginia or in another state) or where you attend school.

You can only be registered to vote at one location. Registering to vote in your college community does not affect your Federal Financial Aid, status as a dependent on your parents’ taxes, or tuition status.

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Voting as a Virginia Resident
Voting as a Virginia Resident

As a college student living in Virginia, whether in college dorms or with any other residential Virginia address, you can register to vote as a Virginia resident.

Register to Vote in Virginia

Every voter in Virginia must register to vote and submit a residential address when registering (a post office box cannot serve as a residential address). If you are unable to receive mail at your address, you must also submit a local mailing address. As a college student, you can register to vote using either your permanent Virginia home address or your current Virginia college address.

Using Your College Address

A dormitory or college address is an acceptable residential address and qualifies you to register to vote. If your local voter registration office is unable to determine your physical residency based on a college address you provided on your voter registration application, the local voter registration office will contact you to request further information needed to register you to vote.

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Voting as a Non Virginia Resident
Voting as a Non Virginia Resident

If you want to vote in a home state that is not Virginia, contact your home state's voting officials or department of elections. Be sure you are correctly registered and find out how to vote in person or absentee (by mail).

Absent Uniformed Service or
Overseas Citizens
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Registration Option 1: Use VA Citizen Portal
Registration Option 1: Use VA Citizen Portal

If you are an absent military or overseas citizen eligible to vote in Virginia state and local elections, you may register to vote and request to vote absentee at Virginia's Citizen Portal | VA Dept. of Elections

A driver’s license or identification card issued by the Virginia DMV is required to complete the process paperlessly.

All about absent uniformed-service and overseas citizens voting can be found at Military & Overseas | VA Dept. of Elections.

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Registration Option 2: Use Federal Postcard Application
Registration Option 2: Use Federal Postcard Application

If you are unable to register online using Virginia's Citizen Portal, you can register to vote and request an absentee ballot using the federal postcard application (FPCA) found at Federal Voting Assistance Program | FVAP.GOV

Read more about absent uniformed-service and overseas citizens at Military & Overseas | VA Dept. of Elections.

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Voting Tips
Voting Tips

These tips are from the Federal Voting Assistant Program at About Absentee Voting | FVAP.GOV

  • Allow plenty of time to request, receive, and return your ballot.
  • Send in a new FPCA  every year and when you move.
  • Check Virginia's voting deadlines and info at VA. Dept of Elections and follow all instructions to make sure your ballot is counted.
  • If there isn't enough time to receive and send back your ballot before an election deadline,  use the federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) as a back-up as soon as possible. See more at Federal Write-In Ballot | VA Dept. of Elections

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Ballot Problems? Use Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot
Ballot Problems? Use Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot

If you do not receive your Virginia state ballot in time, you may vote using a Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB), found at

Read more about absent uniformed-service and overseas citizens at Military & Overseas | VA Dept. of Elections.

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Receiving Ballots by E-Mail
Receiving Ballots by E-Mail

Upon request, active duty uniformed-service (and qualifying spouse or dependents) and overseas citizens can get the ballot via email. For more information, view Virginia Department of Elections Guidelines for Voters that Request E-mail Ballots (.pdf) or contact your local elections office.

The ballot CANNOT be returned to the Virginia Department of Elections by email or fax. You must mail it to your local voter registrar’s office.

Read more about absent uniformed-service and overseas citizens at Military & Overseas | VA Dept. of Elections.

Voting Rights Restoration
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Can Felons Vote?
Can Felons Vote?

Under the Constitution of Virginia, anyone convicted of a felony in Virginia loses these civil rights:

  1. the right to vote
  2. the right to serve on a jury
  3. the right to run for public office
  4. the right to be a notary public
  5. the right to carry a firearm.

Only the Governor of Virginia can restore these rights, except for the right to carry firearms.

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How To Restore Voting Rights
How To Restore Voting Rights

To restore your voting rights (and other civil rights), you must make a formal request through the Secretary of the Commonwealth:

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Get Help
Get Help

Revive My Vote | W&M can assist you in understanding how to restore your voting rights and the steps involved. This service is free and provided by the Law School of William & Mary. Contact Revive My Vote at or call toll free 844-932-8683

Voting Accessibility & Voters with Disabilities 
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Can a Disabled Person Vote?
Can a Disabled Person Vote?

People with disabilities who are 18 years old or older can vote. Note that:

  • Any person, regardless of their disability status, has the right to register to vote at any office or agency that provides such a service.
  • A person with cognitive disabilities can be eligible to register and vote if NOT adjudicated mentally incapacitated by a court of law.
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Can a Person with a Guardian Vote?
Can a Person with a Guardian Vote?

In Virginia, people with guardians are not allowed to vote. For help understanding or to get back your right to vote, contact your Virginia's Protection and Advocacy Agency (P&A).­

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Get Help
Get Help

disAbility Law Center of Virginia

1512 Willow Lawn Dr, Suite 100 Richmond, VA 23230

Phone & TDD: (804) 225-2042 | Toll-free: (800) 552-3962 Fax: (804) 662-7431



Election Cycles
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Federal Offices
Federal Offices

President & Vice President  

@4 years; next election 2028, 2032, 2036, ...

U.S. Senate (Class 1*)

@6 years; next election 2030, 2036, 2042, ...

U.S. Senate (Class 2*)

@6 years; next election 2026, 2032, 2038, 2044, ...

U.S House of Rep.

Congressional District 1 covers Williamsburg, James City County, York County.

@ 2 years; next election 2026, 2028, 2030, ...

One of Virginia's U.S. Senate seats belongs to the Class 1 election cycle.


The other seat belongs to Class 2 election cycle.


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Virginia State Offices
Virginia State Offices

Governor, Lt. Gov, Att. Gen of VA

@4 years; next election 2025, 2029, 2033, ...

Senate (all members)

@4 years; next election 2027, 2031, 2035, ...

House of Delegates (all members)

@2 years; next election 2025, 2027, 2029, ...

Register Voters with the League
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League Membership
League Membership

To register voters with the League and representing the League

  1. You must be a member of our local League
  2. You must join our Voter Services Committee and coordinate your activities through the Committee.
  3. You must take the Virginia state third party registration training. All members of our Voting Services team take this training annually.

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Registration Training
Registration Training

It’s easy, thorough, and can be done from home on your computer.

  1. Go to Voter Registration Training | VA Dept. of Elections, complete the short online training course and sign the online Third Party Voter Registration Drive Sworn Affidavit and Application Request. Virginia Dept. of Elections will send you an email confirming your certification with our League of Women Voters-Williamsburg Area as your sponsoring organization.
  2. Contact Us for help with this process. Be sure to let us know when you receive your certification!
Page last updated 12/15/2024.  If you see problems or inaccuracies, Contact Us
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Williamsburg, James City & York Counties
[LWV-WA is a 501(c)(4) org.]