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Click $ ONLINE button.

Print form & mail a check!

Click $ BY CHECK button.


 Join/Renew Online and How to Update Contact Info


Membership Dues

  • Our recommended membership rate is $75 for 12 months. Can't afford it? You can join at $20 or more!
  • Life Members who have served for 50 years (or more!) do not pay any dues.
  • Help another in your household  to join/renew?  You can update/add another member as long as there is a unique email address for this person who will also pay separate dues.
  • We are a 501(c)(4) organization. Dues and general donations are not tax-deductible.

Membership Receipts

  • When you join the League of Women Voters of Williamsburg Area, you automatically belong to the League of Women Voters of Virginia and to the League of Women Voters of the United States (LWVUS).
  • You will receive an online confirmation and an email receipt for your payment.
  • Somewhat confusingly, your membership payment will show up as three transactions on your account - one each to LWV Williamsburg, LWV Virginia, and LWVUS


As a member of the League of Women Voters of Williamsburg Area, you also are a member of the LWV of Virginia and the LWV of the United States. We will email you our local League's monthly eVOTER and the state League's Virginia Voter (also monthly),  and occasional event alerts. You are adding your voice to a powerful force of members from all 50 states, Washington DC, the Virgin Islands, and Hong Kong.
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Join or Renew Online
Join or Renew Online

You can join or renew at Join / Renew Portal

A large percentage of the membership dues supports our national and statewide League efforts. When you include a donation with your online dues, our Local League retains the extra dollars!

When paying onine, you can user your credit or debit card or the ACH method.

Watch this video Option - How to use ACH to Pay Online

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Join or Renew by U.S. Mail
Join or Renew by U.S. Mail

Not able to join and pay online? 

Print the Membership Form and mail the form with a check(s).

LWV of Williamsburg Area

P.O. Box 1086

Williamsburg, VA 23187-1086

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Update Your Contact Info
Update Your Contact Info

At any time, you can update your contact information by going to

It's a good idea to share with the League any name, address, phone#, and (especially!) changes to your email.

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Who joins?
Who joins?

Membership in the League of Women Voters, the most respected and effective grassroots organization in the country, is open to men and women over the age of 16.

Our members make a visible difference by serving as local leaders using our experience to create positive, lasting change in our communities.

By joining the Williamsburg Area League, you automatically become a member of LWV Virginia and LWV United States. You can receive their communications along with the Williamsburg Area eVOTER newsletter. You are adding your voice to a powerful force of members from all 50 states, Washington DC, the Virgin Islands, and Hong Kong.

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Why join?
Why join?

The League is a grassroots organization, more than a century old. A “mighty political experiment” that helped 20 million women carry out their responsibility as new voters after a 72-year fight, the League launched a drive toward advocacy, civil rights and social justice. Through participation in League projects, you will:

  • contribute valuable service to the community
  • gain knowledge and experience through the study and discussion of timely and important topics
  • discover new interests, develop new skills and learn about crucial issues in your community
  • make professional contacts and develop lasting friendships as you meet others in League who share your interests
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Tell me about member activities
Tell me about member activities

It’s up to you! Many members choose to support the League only with their annual dues. Your membership alone gives us the political influence needed to build a voice for citizens and a force for change. We cover a broad spectrum of issues and concerns; you may choose to become involved in one or more of them by actively participating in a group study, or listening to a panel of experts at a meeting or just reading about them in one of our publications.

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Williamsburg, James City & York Counties
[LWV-WA is a 501(c)(4) org.]