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HomeCommittee Treasurer


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  • Treasurer collects and receives all moneys due.
  • Treasurer is custodian of these moneys and deposits them in a bank designated by the Board, and disburses the same only upon order of the Board.
  • Receipts are required for all expenditures made on behalf of LWV-WA.
  • Any expenditures exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) require prior Board approval.
  • Treasurer submits statements to the Board at their regular meetings
  • Treasurer submits an annual report to the Annual Meeting.
  • The Chair of the Budget Committee shall review the Treasurer’s books annually.
  • Treasurer shall sign, with the President, all contracts or other instruments when so authorized by the Board

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Member Reimbursements
Member Reimbursements

If a member has expenses to be reimbursed for, copy the Reimbursement voucher |LWV-WA and enter data directly into it. Then print the form and send it with receipts to the Treasurer.

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Williamsburg, James City & York Counties
[LWV-WA is a 501(c)(4) org.]